Speed Challenge Event
Please note that the speed challenge event date has been changed from 4th July to the 11th July due to elections on the 4th.
Photoshop/Lightroom Evening
This Thursday evening( 11th April), we’ll be live demonstrating some Photoshop and Lightroom techniques, including some of the newly released features.
BEACH WALK by Paul Townson
Creative image using Path Blur techniques.
Please bring along on a memory stick any images that you would like help or advice on processing.
As usual, 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start.
Image Matching
A quick reminder that Thursday evening this week (28th March) sees the return of our three way ‘Image Matching Competition’.
Fought out between ourselves, Dronfield & James Maude Camera Clubs. This evening always proves to be an entertaining and amusing highlight of our season.
This year our judge is Phil Peat who last visited us when he judged our ‘Leading Lines’ competition last year.
As usual, 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start at St. Thomas’