Open Print Competition Results

First print competition of the winter season. 35 images on show submitted by our members.

A big thanks to David Gibbins for being the judge on then night and having the difficult task of picking out the winners from the high quality images on display.

Congratulations to Simon Beynon for his image titled “WREN FLIGHT” for getting the Judges Choice” as the best image on the night.

WREN FLIGHT by Simon Beynon

To see all the images and the scores go to our image archive section on the website.

Digital Open Competition Results

Great turnout for the first projected digital image (PDI) competition of the winter season. 50 images were submitted by our members with some fantastic images on display.

A big thank you to Phil Newman for being the judge on then night and having the difficult task of critiquing and scoring the images.

Congratulations to Mike Poole for getting the “Judges Choice” as the best image on the night and also to Steve Williams and Simon Beynon for getting top marks for their respective wildlife and sport images.

To see all the images and the scores go to our image archive section on the website. Quick Link here.

Opening Evening

We are back at St Thomas Centre on Thursday 7th Sept for the start of our new season.

Lots of activities happening on the night.

We will be presenting audio visual presentations of members summer projects and a print display of the best images from last season.

Help and guidance on post processing of images using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop and general camera settings will be on offer.

There will be practical setups on studio portraits and macro set up. Strobes and flash triggers will be provided for use. Don’t forget to bring your cameras and tripods.

As usual 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

New potential members and vistors are more than welcome to pop in and see what we are about.