Subscription fees


To provide the club with the facilities and eqipment necessary to organise workshops, presentations, club events, hire of meeting venues, etc we need to set an annual subscription fee for each member of the society as set out below.

The budget and fees are discuused and agreed with the members at the Annual General Meeting held in April every year.

Current subscription rates

The curent subscription rates for the 2023/2024 winter season as follows:-

All Single Members£60Alternatively, 1 x £30 plus 1 x £35
Additional Members at same address£35
New Members£35First year only.
FTE/U21/Universal Credit£35

We also charge non-members a fee of £3 for attending meetings/events.

A nominal entrance fee of £1 is also charged on entry to events/meetings for all members to assist the club in paying the fees for the hire of the meeting room.