Open print competition

Congratulations to Simon Beymon for getting the Judge’s choice for the best image titled “KESTRAL FLIGHT” in the recent Open print competition. Also for getting a maximum score of 20 for his other image titled “RED AHEAD”.

KESTRAL FLIGHT by Simon Beynon

Honorary mention to Shirly Davis and Marj Freeston for also getting a maximum score of 20 for their images titled “UNDERPASS” and “REACHING”.

A big thankyou to the Judge Vin Scothern for his excellent critique and feedback .

To see all 38 images entered into the competition go to the image archive section of the web site

Night Scenes Competition

Congratulations to Barry Smith for getting Judges choice of the best image on the theme of Night Scenes/Night Scapes competition held on Thursday evening 15th Feb.


The judge had a difficult choice with two other images “Rush Hour by Michael Hardwick” and “THE NIGHT TRAM by Shirley Davis also getting maximum score of 20 points.

To see all the 41 images entered into the competition go to the image archive section of the web site.