Interclub Image Matching Competition
St Thomas Community Centre Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire3 way Image matching competition against James Maude and Dronfield camera clubs. Judged by Phil Newman.
Chesterfield Photographic Society
Photography Club
3 way Image matching competition against James Maude and Dronfield camera clubs. Judged by Phil Newman.
Open Print competition. Judged by Ray Brammal. Please email our competition secretary a digital copy of your images by 12 midnight latest on the Sunday before the event. Please ensure …
Guest presenter Tony North (via Zoom call) Tony will share his best outdoor plant and fungi images as well as covering techniques, styles and factors to consider. Watch out for …
Annual general meeting (AGM). Commitee members reports. Members opportuntunity to put forward items for consideration on how the club moves foward. Voting of the commitee members.
A review of the year and awards. A look ahead to the summer programme.