Many thanks to Roy Maddison for Judging our Print image competition on the 11th January 2024.
34 images submitted on the theme of “Black & White”.
Congratulations to Simon Beynon for another set of outstanding images. Both his images scoring an maximum score of 20, claiming 1st and 2nd place . His image image titled “TRIPLE OWLETS” being selected as the Judges Choice in 1st place with his other image titled “HORSE POWER gaining 2nd place.

TRIPLE OWLETS by Simon Beynon
Three prints sharing 3rd place with a score of 19, were THE FLOUR DANCER by Marj Freeston, “HEY 127” by Barry Smith and “RAILWAY ROOFLINE by Shirley Davis.
To see all the images and the scores go to our Image Archive section on the website.